10 Point Of Sale Display Design Tips

Point-of-sale displays are popular marketing devices for a variety of products, and specialising in point-of-sale display design that helps companies market their products and increase sales can be a lucrative niche for graphic designers. The following 10 tips will help you design powerful point-of-sale displays that earn greater profits.


  1. Be bold to command attention

A bright, bold design will attract customers’ eyes. Use large, compelling fonts that match your product theme. Play with bright, contrasting colors that can’t be ignored. Without a doubt, make sure your display stands out from the rest of the point-of-sale merchandising efforts.

FSDU pallet display

  1. Feature benefits

Tell customers upfront what benefits they’ll receive from purchasing your product. This creates desire. Add in a call to action (“Buy Now” or “Pull Here”) to motivate immediate sales. In the image above, it shows a panel on how the cookies can be enjoyed which increase ‘desire’ for the buyers.

 pallet display

  1. Add value 

Include a tear-off coupon, which can be used immediately (such as a buy-one-get-one offer) or later to promote future sales of the same product. If your point-of-sale products work with other products located on shelves, include a coupon for those.


  1. Show your product in use 

Show happy customers enjoying your product as intended, and make sure your models fit the image your customer base wants to achieve. Or, use illustrations to show customers how to use your product. Visuals such as these help create desire.


  1. Include comparison charts and graphs

Stack your product up against point of sale competitors using visuals such as charts and graphs to highlight why your product is the best choice.


  1. Add personalization for multiple product types

Use colors and images to divide different flavors, and personalize whenever possible. Instead of saying “grape,” use “for grape lovers.” The change in copy is subtle, yet powerful. Another example would be the quick-shot energy drinks you often find at counters. If you would have multiple levels of energy, you could divide them up for “the go-getter,” “the foot-dragger,” or “the after-lunch napper,” for example. The more your point-of-sale marketing is personalized, the more effective it will be.


  1. Include add-ons

If your products can be used with similar products in the same line, include them for upsells. You can do this with coupons, of course, but you can also put them right on the display.

Shelf Front POS

  1. Print takeaways

If your point-of-sale products require some thought, or if your customers might want to know more about how to use them, print brochures or flyers to place on your point-of-sale displays so your customers can takes the additional information home with them – and potentially share it with others.

leaflet holders

  1. Make it interactive

QR codes and augmented reality allow customers to interact at the point-of-sale display using their mobile devices. You might, for example, print a QR code on your point-of-sale display that takes customers to a video that offers more information and a better sales pitch.

supermarket POS

  1. Add a video or touch screen

Put a screen on top of your point-of-sale display to play a commercial for your products, give more information, and to attract attention. Or, make it an interactive touch screen that takes customers through a brief quiz that reveals which product on your display best fits their lifestyles. Even better, allow customers to enter an email address to receive future discounts and updates, in return for an immediate coupon for purchase.

If you want your point-of-sale displays to be more powerful marketing tools, incorporate these tips into your design. Doing so will make your point of sale displays more compelling, and will ultimately result in increased sales.

For more creative point of sale designs please visit www.FSDU.co.uk

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